Often considered taboo, yet ever-present in our daily lives, emotions require us to communicate effectively with our mind, body and feelings. So how to acknowledge emotions, even in the workplace?
...Agility for Reinventing Management with Oana Juncu
En s’appuyant sur les principes du manifeste Agile, la mission du leader Agile est de restaurer et garder dans l’organisation l’équilibre entre “être ensemble et “faire ensemble”, en nourrissant les deux par sa propre posture.
...Neuroscience & management, separating truth from fiction
Neuroscience is a fascinating field of research. Since brain imaging started becoming widely developed in the 1990s, more is being discovered every single day about the cognitive mechanisms that shape our reactions and relationships. Let’s sift through myths and find out how proven scientific facts about neuroscience can be used to enhance the instinctive human side of management.
...Digital is revolutionizing management
The switchover to digital has changed everything, and the whole concept of team management needs to be overhauled.
...Management: three versions of authenticity
It has become the new orthodoxy that the pursuit of authenticity is fundamental to both the practice of leadership and processes of leadership development…
...Insta Story – Why should we cultivate gratitude at work?
Discover why it is important to cultivate gratitude at work and its benefits.
...The rise of digital draws focus back to managers
La révolution digitale n’est pas seulement une mutation technologique, c’est aussi un chamboulement des mentalités et des pratiques managériales.
...Four Ingredients for Organisational Transformation
Discover the four factors that should be taken into account in any organisational transformation initiative that aims at changing the culture of a firm or to implement new project.
...Work culture, empowerement, trust: How can managers boost their team’s motivation?
Nothing is more powerful than a group of contributing, motivated employees. How can managers build and maintain their motivation? Susan Heathfield shares her thoughts.
...10 Habits You Should Abandon Now to Improve Productivity
It could be your habits that are keeping you from achieving your business goals. Fortunately, habits can be broken.