“As parents increasingly grow eager to give their children an edge in technology skills by getting them to think like a computer early, start-ups and entrepreneurs see potential in creating toys with a focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics.”
...INFOGRAPHICS – 4 effective levers to develop employee commitment and well-being
Ipsos et Revolution @ Work launched a study on new trends at work that reveals French workers feel drawn to new way of working such as telecommuting, work time flexibility and horizontal management.
...Relive the Octave Program 2017 on Storify!
It’s another way to experience the magic of Octave and refresh your inspiration!
...Looking at intergenerational relationships from a different angle
Social relationships are not determined by what or who people are, but by what they think about other people and the image they think they are conveying to them.
...Mindfulness: Boosting well-being in business
In recent years, mindfulness, or mindful meditation, has made its appearance in the business world. In an uncertain economy, meditation helps to bring harmony to the workplace and serenity to businesses. Explainations
...15 Surprising Things Productive People Do Differently
Secret 3 of 15: Highly successful people don’t use to-do lists!
...What does leadership mean in the 21st century?
We could soon look back on the very notion of Leadership in the same way we now view the strict rules of 18th and 19th century etiquette: a slightly curious relic of an older age that stifled self-expression and personal growth.
...When we tell people to do their jobs, we get workers. When we trust people to get the job done, we get leaders.
To become a leader, we have to go through a transition. Some go through it quickly. Some go through it slowly. And, unfortunately, some never go through it at all.
...How to Bring Mindfulness to Your Company’s Leadership
A study suggests that mindfulness training produces an improvement in three capacities that are key for successful leadership in the 21st century: resilience, the capacity for collaboration, and the ability to lead in complex conditions. But it depends on the level of practice that the leader does.
...Quote of december 2016
Let’s get back to a moment of inspiration and a key message delivered during the Octave Program on how giving, receiving and taking.